As a task for our course, we were asked to head to Somerset House in small groups and take Streetstyle photographs at LFW. The weather was substantially British in the way that it was dull, chilly and raining at every opportunity, but nevertheless this did not stop the powerful "fashionistas" from hiding their looks. In fact, the exact opposite! Here are some of the photographs taken from myself and Victoria Radford from both Somerset House, and even Covent Garden...
Above are outfits and details that are the epitome of "Downtown" fashion. This is shown particularly in the looks that the two girls- who aren't in fact twins- are both ruling in the photograph to the left. The ripped jeans provide a rugged chic look, whilst the classic black stiletto heel rescues them from looking like they're from the streets; giving them the ultimate, effortlessly glamorous Streetstyle. The briefcase (top right) is an incredible piece which was worn by an amazing gentleman in a grey, chequered suit. This piece was a personal favourite of mine as it wasn't particularly "safe" so to speak and- given that he was wearing a sophisticated two-piece suit- it was fun and it added quirk to a classic style. The fur jumper (bottom right) was also another favourite piece of mine. This piece was in fact real fur- something I don't tend to buy myself- but nevertheless was rocked by the gentleman who wore it. Below is a full length photograph of his beautifully constructed outfit:
Bold primary colours was a trend that I spotted at LFW. Above are some photographs of my favourite outfits and pieces that represent this trend. To the left the lady wearing the neon yellow two-piece trouser suit looks almost 'Gaga-esque', particularly as it's complimented by the '60s inspired Cateye sunglasses. The platform boots also have a Lego vibe to them, giving the whole look a fun, lively spirit. The girl in the top left photograph is showing off her thriftshop thunder in her '80s throwback jumper, which is complemented wonderfully by her natural complexion and rouge lips. Bottom left is a classic satchel which is freshened by the yellow coloured leather, saying goodbye to the classic brown, vintagous style. The colour also compliments the collections showing at LFW given that yellow is one of the shades of spring/summer.
Here is a shot of me that was uploaded onto sofeminine.com. Admittedly this is not my best, nor my favourite look but I was chilly and needed to be snug for the long day that I had ahead of me.
Also the magazine in my hand is real, and is not a clutch handbag...
Quadron- favourite star
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